Monday, March 27, 2006


The gun fire rocketed across the hallway. He covered his head as splinters rained down on him. Diving across to the next booth was his only option.

"Do it quickly..." he thought to himself.

He released the safety from his revolvers and dived.

With less than a fraction of a second to make the pass he managed to get off a few clips before he made it to safety. He felt the super-heated metal pass through his lower thigh and hit the back wall.

"Damn... probubly poisoned too..."

"You can't hide from me, you are only stalling your demise. Come out now before you are eliminated completely!"


The revolvers worked faster than his fingers. Bullets rained from behind the table, shattering harmlessly upon the armor. Immediatly fire was returned, and now a gash appeared in his hand, one revolver sent spinning into the air.

He clentched his teeth together. Pain was nothing. He wouldn't let the enemy becomme sadist. Not today. He went to his belt for the next round of bullets. At least he could spare some rounds with only one gun.

He felt nothing.

At first he thought that it was just his bloody hand unable to feel the pack he kept. Then the realization came upon him. He was out of ammo. Without ammo this was over.

"What is taking you so long? I await another reckless move! Ha!"

No... there is still a chance.

He put down his gun and, with his good hand, pulled out a single black bullet.

This custom was made especially for him. It was, in blatant terms, a mini WMD. The design of the bullet caused it to be purely solid and unharmed until impact. There was no hope for anyone who was hit directly with it (or anyone around it for that matter).

He didn't like using cheap shots like this one. That wasn't fun. Besides, if it hit when he was around...

"Should I begin the execution then? Have you run out of options already?"

No, it was worth it.

"You think I could give up so easily?!"

He loaded the barrel and stood in one motion. Within seconds the bullet was fired.

A perfect shot. It was doomed to hit directly in the chest. The black shell rocketed forward, but at the last second the enemy twisted his body. The angle of the armor reflected the bullet into his outstreched hand. It wasn't fair.

"Hehe, was that your famous 'last bullet'? Give me a break!"

The man examined the bullet.

"Too bad it didn't do much to me. I was hoping for maybe a scratch," he examined the metal plating, "Nope. Oh well."

There was still a chance... if that bullet was raptured enough...

"You thought that was it? Think again!"

He jumped the table and ran straight at the man. Causing the man to disturb the shell just a bit more was all he needed.


The gun fired, hitting him square in the chest. He was knocked backward. The world slowly became peaceful... he slipped into his mind...and faded away...

"Heh, and they said no one lived to tell the tale... what a load of crap. He was a loony."

He examined the black bullet in his hand.

"Nice little suviner this will make. 'The Last Bullet'. Nice ring to it."

He tossed it into the air playfully.

He never caught it.

Intermission: Perminent

We wanted to survive the torture of natives...
but all we got was hopeless wonder...

crawl from under the brush...
release the sealed pigeons...
let them fly...

enjoy the light...
who knows if it could be the last?

They: "We care."

We: "Too bad."

Alliance: "Peace long awaited has come!"

Man of Promise: "We can do this, let me hold your hand..."

Alliance: "Unwanted, yet accepted..."

Man of Promise: "I'd rather die."

Man of God: "God..."

God: "Let them rejoice for now. The battle is won, the war begins."

Man of God: "That is way to over used God..."

God: "Ok, I have I right to say what I want ok?"

Woman of Words: "You know you are fighting with yourself right?"

God and Man of God: "Yea."

Moses: "You called?"

Part II


-Turns off monitor-

Kyle: "I won't forget it... until it is needed it shall be repressed until further notice."

Act IV - Dealing With It

(Picture to be edited in... the site was down)

Child of Youth: "Is there an alternative to running around, jumping up and down, spinning like a top, and then diving off the top bunk of the bed?!"

Man of Corruption: "Why don't you try picking up smoking? STOP SPINNING!"

The Woman: "Both of you shut up and get back to work!"

in unison: "Yes Mam..."


Man of Undependability: "You can't have it."

Man of God: "It?"


Woman of Optimism: "The Platypus is wandering farther to the end. There must be something to save the poor beast! Prehaps a kind word? Cupid maybe! Yes! Cupid! Fly with silver wings onto your prey! Let him know his wrongs!"

Man of God: "Be gone beast!"

Cupid: "Or shall you?!"

-Man of Corruption enters-

Man of Corruption: "There is an escape from this evil."

Man of God: "Help me!"

Man of Corruption: "Take this and eat it, it will convert your soul into something untouchable. Enjoy the ecstasy while it lasts. It shall protect you from Cupid's Steel tip!"

Man of God: "But... then..."

Child of Youth: "Don't give in! You can fight!"

Man of God: "I can't hear myself! Help! Someone!"

-Cupid fires arrow, Man of Corruption tosses object, Child screams-

Man of God: "Is this the end...?"

-Darkness falls...-

Woman of Optimism: "Can out the name of the one... help him escape..."

Man of Entails: "He is forever bound to me."


Woman of Optimism: "I fear you not. God may be powerless here, but there is a higher force..."

Man of Command: "I know..."

Man of Despair: "I can tell..."

Woman of Secrecy: "I want to know..."

The Witch: "I can't understand..."

In Unison: "We all agree."

Woman of Words: "Indeed, I have nothing to say."

Act V

You'll never calm down... If you don't take a breath...
Listen to the birds... and calm down...