Sunday, May 21, 2006

Broken Links and Memory Fragments

You are all alone.

Everyone has chosen the path.

Then why can't you take a side?

One is right, the other is worst...

But both end with broken links.

Why not hang yourself like a key chain?

Dangle a while.

But keep your feet just above the ground,

Just incase you second guess yourself on that choice.

You watch everyone around you stare.

They actually see you now.

Except... with the other faces... you see the people you know.

People you had relationships with, people who you could have talked to, people who betrayed you, people who helped you, people who laughed with you about stupid stuff, people who cried with you through the tough stuff...the people who...

who thought trusted you, who thought they knew you, who thought you were responsible, who thought you were able to handle it, who thought everything was alright... who you lied to...

They watch you... see you for who you really are.

What do you feel?





The more you try to escape...

The more you escape us...


e s c a p e...

e s c a p e

e s c a p e

that's what it feels like.

Nothing means anything...

Just a link of words...

You are a word.

It wasn't my choice.

But it was yours.

And I won't be a part of it.


y o u

y o u

y o u

y o u

"So, you on the bus D.J?"

"Nah, got Tennis today."

"Oh! Right! Well I'll call you later ok?"

"Sure! See you later!"



- - - - -

"Everyone ready?"


- - - - -

"Haha, getting lost with you guys is way to fun!"

"You should see us when we are in Warwick!"

- - - - -

"What a... retard..."

"I'm just disappointed."


- - - - -

"It was a right at the Burger King we were just at!"


"Alright, one bridge down, one to go..."

- - - - -

"That was so fun!"

"I think I just got humped like sixteen times!"

"Wanna try going back?!"

"Are you kidding?!"

- - - - -

"Come on dude! Come and dance!"

"But it's nice a cool out here man."

"Why do you need to be cool when you can dance!?"

- - - - -

"That kid was hilarious... what was his name?"

"(Censored). Ha!"

"Yeah! He reminds me of one of those guys in the movies that can't dance. We just made up a bunch of moves and soon enough even his date was having a great time!"

- - - - -

"Hey! What'cha doin?"

"Getting a drink, cooling off."

"Again? Well, I'll see you back on the floor O.K?"

I can't remember him coming back at all the rest of that night.

- - - - -

"As soon as we have gay fan fiction on our website we know we've become popular."

"You do realize what I'm going to do now right?"

"Oh god! Hahaha!"

- - - - -

"So what do you really feel?"

"I... don't know... I haven't thought about it really..."

"Thats O.K. I understand."


"No problem."

- - - - -

"Sorry I've been an asshole about that..."

"No, it's O.K."

"Well, I know I've been one so I had to say it."

- - - - -

"Driving down back roads, blasting U2, all windows (and roof if availible) down, and no talking. Sure beats drugs."

"I've never tried it before..."

"Well, I'll take you sometime!"

"Do you break the speed limit?"

"Not really. Unless you count five miles over."

"Why not?"

"I don't know... you kinda don't have to."

"When do you want to go?"

"Next time it is nice outside."

"How many people can come?"

"Everyone who can fit in my mom's car legally. Haha!"

- - - - -

"My favorite word, I've decided, is Wombat."

- - - - -

"Did you see that woman in the back?!"

"Hahaha! She gave you an evil eye!"

"This is so much funner than throwing a soda at them..."

Blasting Ursula's Revenge in japanese while driving up to a Burger King take out window has officially become one of my favorite moments ever.

If you want to hear how horrible that song is, don't ask me for it. I'll just deny it is on my iPod. <(^^)>