Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Doomsday Device

This isn't meant to be a post about WMDs or anything like that. SO you can keep reading if you aren't into that. Well I lied. Anyone will want to keep reading. I am about to reveal a monsterous secret that males me sick. Does anyone reading this know anyone with Diabetes? I do. My unofficial God-Brother. He is coming to my school this year, but I won't be able to help him out because I'll be long gone. Anyway, we are close and hang out on the weekends. He just got his first iPod (is this turning out to be just like losing virginity). It needed some music so I am helping him out on the whats and hows to get music. His favorite thing to do whenever he is over is hit my snack drawer and scavenge whatever is left. Most of the time it is just Granola Bars, but sometimes he finds some Oreos or something "name brand". Our house is his house and his house mine. It is basicly like it is one family (minus the whole family thing). Anyway, whenever he heads for the Snack Drawer he needs to do something no one should ever have to do: BOLUS. Do you know what Bolus means? It means adding insulin into your blood stream so that you don't have a high blood suger count. That means telling his pump attached to his Glutious Maximus to send the liquid through the tube. That means if he doesn't remember to do that, he could hurt himself. By eating a cookie. Or anything for that matter. If it has carbs it needs to be bolas-ed. I'm on his case 24/7 about it. I know I'm a pain in the ass, but you do whatcha gotta do. So yes, to those who are still clueless about WHY he needs to Bolas, it is because he is a Diabetic. STOP. NO I MEAN DON'T STOP. You came this far. Hear me out. This is NOT a rant about how bad Diabetes is or a speech about his life. I am about to tell you something even worst. You see, Diabetes in INCURABLE like AIDS (but not, AIDS is a virus, Diabetes is a Malfunctioning Pancreas). THe only thing you can do is deal with it. That means EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU THINK of eating, drinking, ingesting, or devoring any food you need to count the carbs, calculate the correct amount of insulin, and pump. Kinda like a diet right? Well it gets worst. Whenever he is done swimming in his pool, or riding his bike for a while, or just acting like a completely insane lunatic like he is (yes, I am a lunatic as well) he needs to remember to correct for his activity so he doesn't have a low (Blood suger = DOWN when you exercise) by lowering the insulin in-take. Picture you just won a game of Basketball and everyone is excited and you are hyped and everyhting is good... then you need to remember to correct. What if you forget? You could get a low, go into a diabetic shock, and die. DIE. GOODBYE. NEVER SEE US AGAIN. Kinda scary right? Well guess what? I lied early in this post. There is a cure. A Doctor found a cure to Diabetes (or atleast the type he has). THis could be a mircale to people everywhere. So when this scientist went to the head of the head of the head of Diabetes Research to tell them "I found a cure! Fund me!" they said this: "Uh, screw you. WE want to find the cure, not you." Nice wasn't it? So this doctor got together with a bunch of other doctors and are now funding themselves for the ability to develop human testing procedures, equipment, etc. I walk every year from now on in JDRF. Why don't you go research it? It would make me happy. BUt that doesn't matter. All I want is for this idiotic desicion to be frowned upon. WHO IN THE WORLD WOULD SAY THAT TO A CURE?! YOU WOULD BE SAVING LIVES!!! -.- i guess there really are people who don't care out there. Please. Don't turn into one of them. Don't become a moron (WOW THAT was sensored). People like that just need to be shot. They need to star on the Death Channel. (Dr.H, you need to put that plan into motion.)