Monday, March 13, 2006

The Drive Through Paradise (And a short stop at Sanity Point)

I drove my car down scenic 1A today. I don't know why. It would have been faster to make that quick right at the stop sign and head for 138. Oh well. I didn't care. This was one of those rare "summer days" that occur only once and a while in the winter or spring. It was so nice being able to drive with the window down. I am a "Fresh Air Freddy" as my mom likes to say. My ideal drive is all windows down, stereo turned up, and a nice road with enough obstacles to keep me interested in driving. Today was one of those days. I didn't care much about where I was going. I had hardly been down 1A enough to call it "familiar". I just relaxed. Some people can't relax going 45-50 mph. It makes them tense and alert (I'm not saying they don't enjoy going that fast, but I can be dangerous). Those kinds of people get a different "Adrenaline" high. I don;t know how to explain what we feel, coasting at 50, wind bellowing through the car, the sent of summer around me. There comes a point during that time when you ask yourself "When is this going to end?". You can say "When I get home... duh..." or "In about 15 minutes I guess" but I answered differently this time. "I could just coast for a long time, I could take 95 south and keep going, stopping only for Gas when I needed it." There would be no problems with doing this, besides you people. Everyone bring tension upon each other in some form. Why can't we just go off somewhere and start a new civilization? I don't think Democracy would do though. We would need to have everything balanced. Democracy makes everything crazy. You never know who is in charge or who is the dumb --- of the day. If we could make some sort of society where everything was... nice... not PERFECT, but nice... yeah. That would work. There is always an alternative though. Have you ever thought of being mentally ill as a gift? It must be nice being one of those people, only thinking with the mind of a 5 year old. I am truely not speaking from and kind of "written" knowledge. Just an observance. I mean come on. These people just sit around playing games or whatever, get to eat every day, get taken care of... etc. Yea, some hospitals are REALLY evil places. But what if we made a paradise for those fortunate people? Would you rather live a life of knowledge, knowing all the awesome and terrible things you know now, all the pressures of society, all the responsibility excpected of you when you "grow up", or would you like to zone off every day of your life thinking about how nice the chair over there looks? That is something. Being a Devil's Advocate is a rough life. But I do it anyway, sacrificing my self to show you the other side of the coin you failed to notice.

The Devil Going to a Movie

Movies this century SUCK.