Friday, April 28, 2006

One Life Downed by a Rouge...

Wombat: There's the Bunny! Just ahead!

Teddy Bear: What is that thing she is with?

Wombat: It looks like a dog.

Teddy Bear: More like a...

Wombat: Wolf...

Teddy Bear: Let's ninja up to them and spy!

Wombat: Why?

Teddy Bear: Because it would be cool and-

Wombat: Dramatic?

Teddy Bear: ...

Wombat: I guess we could spy for a little bit...

Teddy Bear: Sweet!

(They creep up to the Bunny and Wolf, careful to remain hidden from sight.)

Bunny: But I think that this is all stupid-

Wolf: Stupid? I worked hard on those Rabbits!

Bunny: Well, they are ruining the whole story!

Wolf: And how is that?

Bunny: If you touch them they explode!!!

Wolf: That was an ingenious idea, don't you think?

Bunny: Why would YOU want to come up with something so gross and disturbing? I don't think you came up with that idea.

Wolf: Well, what if I didn't?

Bunny: Then who did? THey should be removed from the story so that these Rabbits will go away! Can't you just end it or something so we can start over?

Wolf: You don't think I didn't try that already?

Bunny: You already tried to end it?

Wolf: Yeah, but that stupid Wombat couldn't just stop. He had to go onward for some reason.

Bunny: THis is getting out of hand. You should get all these Rabbits out of here immediatly before more animals are injured or killed!

Wolf: My rabbits are at no ones command other than my own. I won't let you order them around like ants!

Bunny: I'm not-

Wolf: Yeah, you thought you would be a heroine by ordering the bad guy out of the city didn't you?

Bunny: What are you-

Wolf: Well, I tried to make you see it my way, I tried to show you the benefits of my plans, and I even went as far as to invite you to join me. Was that all for nothing?

Bunny: My ideas are engraved within me. Niether Wombat nor Wolf can change that.

Wolf: Then prehaps you should join the others outside of the story.

(The Wolf lets out a long howl into the twilight. Rabbits seem to appear around the BUnny almost spontaniously, eager to detonate. The Bunny's ears go flat.)

Teddy Bear: So that Wolf was behind the Rabbits?

Wombat: I don't know... it sounded like-

Teddy Bear: Well, whatever. The Wolf seems to have betrayed us all and now he is going to have to pay!

Wombat: Don't get rash now! He hasn't tried to hurt anyone.

(The Wolf looks over to the nearest Rabbit and nods. THe Rabbit immediatly lunges at the helpless Bunny.)

Wombat: No!


Wolf: WOmbat, I see you have arrived.

(The Wombat aims the revolver at the WOlf.)

Wombat: You're finished!

Wolf: With one bullet left?

Wombat: Well... I forgot the rest at home again...

Wolf: Then lets see if you can use it wisely!

(This time all the Rabbits lunge at once. The Teddy Bear owns a few instantly, but one small Rabbits eludes his movements and almost seems to smirkk as it nears the cowering Bunny.)


Wombat: God Damnit...

Wolf: Now what are you going to do?

(Now the Teddy Bear joins the Bunny and WOmbat, looking weary.)

Teddy Bear: I can't ninja this much on one day!

Wombat: I'm not giving up!

(The WOmbat aims the empty revolver at the Wolf.)

Wombat: If God will have his way, then he will grant me a second chance to blow your brains out!

Gerbil: No!!!


(The Gerbil dives towards the Wolf, trying to protect him from the bullet that never seemed to come. Annoyed as usual, the WOlf ducks the Gerbils poor attempt to save the Wolf's live. As the Gerbil soars through the air, it almost seems majestic and harmonious.

The Gerbil then proceeded to have half of its body explode. The limp form hit the ground with a dull thud.

No one moved for a long time.

The Wolf looked over at the form of the Gerbil, and looked distraght for a few seconds. But it complied the feelsing, brushing them aside for later.

The Teddy Bear seemed to see something. He wandered over to where the Wolf had been just moments ago. There, in a two inch hole in the ground, was a small piece of metal.)

Teddy Bear: OMG! This is a bullet!

Wombat: But I didn't fire that shot...

(The Wombat begins examining his revolver.)

Bunny: What could that have been? A Godly Bullet?

Wombat: I was trying to be sarcastic at that part remember? Any other ideas?

(Suddenly the Teddy Bear bursts out laughing and rolling on the ground.)

Wombat and Bunny: What is it? YOu know what that bullet was?

Teddy Bear: BOOMER SHOT!