Monday, March 28, 2005

Phase 5 - The Other World

I awoke slowly at first. It was like awakening from a deep sleep. My back was soar and ached terribly but other than that, I was fine. My eyes were still closed but I could feel a hard surface underneath me, like a large stone tile. I lay there for a while, still dazed and tired from the long sleep I had previously been awaken from. It was then that I began to wonder where I was. I couldn't remember anything. I just wanted to go back to sleep. But somewhere off in the distance, I heard laughter. It echoed through my head as if trying to remind me of something I had long forgotten. HA HA HA...
Then it struck me like a lightning bolt. I quickly remembered everything that had happened and sat up abruptly, opening my eyes. Then it hit me again as I immediately felt first my limbs, head, and finally remembered my eyes. They were all fine as if nothing had ever happened. I jumped up to my feet and gazed around me.
There wasn't much to see. I was in a completely dark, vast chamber (or I assumed so because I couldn't see any walls). Nothing was around me and I couldn't see any doors, windows, or any lights to follow. No matter how much I squinted my eyes there was nothing to see. Nothing. What was there to do now? No one to help me, nothing to go to, nothing to see. There was only one thing left to do: walk.
And walk I did. Forever it seemed. I could only see about twelve feet circumference around me, so I continued forward very cautiously. I didn't know what I would find or if I would find anything at all. Soon my imagination started to get the better of me and I began to panic a little. What if there was really no one here? What would happen to me? Would I die here, alone, with no one to find my body? Was there some hideous creature lurking just beyond my vision? (I swear I heard movement more than once) Am I trapped here forever???
I finally gave up and sat down where I was. I cried out into the void for help, for someone, anyone. But no answer came. Nothing changed. I was doomed.