Monday, April 04, 2005

Phase 7 - There was once a forest...

*Sorry I haven't posted in a while... I was... ok fine! I'll start writting!!! >_<*

How could I possibly have written that book! I'd never even seen it! This was getting really strange. How could I have possiblly written a book I have never seen in my life? I opened the book once again, this time I began on page one. This is what I read:

When you are falling,
hopelessly trapped,
dragged into the unknown,
or fighting your greatest enemy,
you are armed with the omega weapon,
a weapon far beyond your foe,
you control the outcome of the final fight,
it is you who will stand strong,
believe in yourself,
and tap into the power invested inside us all,

I turned the page, ready for more. This wasn't that bad of a book... so far. It sounded farfeched, but showed potential. Just as my eye caught the top of the page, I felt a strong wind blowing against me. It grew in power until the pages began to blow out of control. I turned my back away to shield myself from the unseen force. I lost grip of the book and it tumbled out of my hands, slamming onto the floor. I knelt down to pick it up and opened my mouth in awe.
The ground was changing. It seemed as though it was being blown away, revealing the true surface underneath. Replacing the solid white was a lushious green grass. It spread like a raging fire, erasing all of its overlying textile. Soon there was grass as far as the eye could see. Then trees began to sprout out of nowhere, brush out of thin air, and within moments I was surounded by a dense forest on all sides.
All I could do was gap at what was happening all around me. This was impossible... but then again... I didn't know what to believe anymore. I walked to the nearest ree and touched it. The bark was rough, corse, and definatly real. The leaves bleed when broken and the grass was soft. This wasn't just an illusion, this was real. This was the real thing.
It mesmerized me. I was a person of logic. To me there was no god, the world was made of atoms, and for every force there was an equal and opposite one. This was breaking all the rules. Matter just didn't "appear" from out of no where.
There wasn't much to think about. My brain felt like it was in overload. I remembered the book and held it in front of me. I opened to the second page. The first phrase was enough to make me go insane.

There was once a forest in the world whose origins were never known and this wasn't any ordinary forest...