Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Of Rabbits and Carrots

We retrace our steps to where we left our heros (Mogget an Kyle the Doledi) stranded on an island with nothing but a Dole Wind Sword (legendary and godly with the power of Dole infused within...)

Mogget: "What shall we do here? There is nothing for us to do once we sailed here using the Dole Wind Sword as a sail..."

Kyle the Doledi: "Well... prehaps we shall find a rabbit."

Mogget: "Why would we need a rabbit?"

Kyle the Doledi: "To eat ofcourse! And we can then find some carrots to make it a well-balanced meal."

Mogget: "Yes, we shall find a patch of carrots!"

Kyle the Doledi: "We can't have a patch of carrots! We are going to need a Grove of Carrots!"

(Mogget the vegetarian licks her lips in antisipation for the carrots)

Mogget: "We can use the Dole Wind Sword to cleave the rabbit and carrots in one swing, while in the next we cut down fire wood! Muahahaha!"

(A Little while later...)

Mogget: "Oh look, Alex left his Progress Report."

Kyle the Doledi: "Hmm... It must be delivered safely to its owner!"

(Picks up the Paper and Gives it to Mogget.)

Kyle the Doledi: "Can you return it to its rightful owner?"

Mogget: "Indeed, the deliverance of this paper shall be my task, into a foot ball it shall be made! (Because I don't know how to make a ninja star)."

(Time passes in which the Dole Wind Sword (a Holy Entity recently brought into flesh) is swing about and the remaining pieces of its body are recycled.)

(Then Kyle the Doledi spots something...)

Kyle the Doledi: "Mogget! Is that not Alex's Progress Report on the table!"

Mogget: "Indeed."

Kyle the Doledi: "But you said you would bear it and deliver it to its owner!"

Mogget: "My task is pointless (And don't want to anymore)"

Kyle the Doledi: "Oh you shall finish the deed!"

(Begins to walk with Mogget around the rest of the island.)

Kyle the Doledi: "First you shall be place in a room of rabbits!"

Mogget: "Oh dear..."

Kyle the Doledi: "These aren't rabid rabbits, just nice happy ones. Now in this room there is a multitude of rabbits... so many that you can't see the floor! The surry about wiggling thier noses and hopping about not caring much for you."

Mogget: "Sounds devistatingly torcherous..."

Kyle the Doledi: "But wait, there is more! You are given only but a shovel to shovel your way through the rabbits! The rabbits still pay no attention to you, because they are dosile..."

Mogget: "My doom is at hand... (sigh)"

Kyle the Doledi: But wait! There is more! These rabbits are not only dosile, but they are devestatingly horrific if they come in contact with you. If you so much as brush yourself up against one, then it will explode sending blood everywhere.

Mogget: "..."

Kyle the Doledi: "But wait, there is even more! If the blood of one rabbit hits another then that rabbit shall explode as well!"

(Jill turns to Kyle, now only feet from her car)

Jill: "That would mean that thier would be a massive explosion of rabbits if I even hit ONE!"

Kyle: "Ofcourse... and you have to do it wearing no shoes and a skirt"

Jill: "Poor rabbits..."

Kyle: "Well, at least we could have something to eat on the island for a while..."
