Saturday, September 09, 2006

Blog Name

I am considering changing my Blog Name.

The URL would change too I think.

Or should I start a NEW blog???


The Question

It was dark. Darker than it had ever been. Infact, it looked like things would never change. Everyone was jumping enemy lines. It was the final straw... or was it? Out of the mist of everything came an abrupt silence as if someone had sucked the sound out of the world. Peace would have been the right word to use, but in the mist of the dead it wouldn't fit. The WDM was heading for him. It was going to be over.

It wasn't right. The fighting wasn't going to end like this I desided. I switched teams and caught the end of the world in my hands. The people watched my selflessness and called it selfishness. For what reason? I was the one who had called it down in the first place... I was the fool... I understood... nothing.

I broke the bullet with my fist and sealed a covenant with him. Should and flag fly high in my presence, the world would end as fortold... and no ideals will change that again.

With this he agreed. An Ally he became to me again. An Enemy to others he remained.

The secrets of his past conflicts riddled my mind. I began to dig further into his past to answer my mind's only question: why?

And so I discovered my own spy was his as well.

She wasn't telling me everything it seemed. Then again, it was expected. Being a sacrifice has its weaknesses. Taking too many falls and you can't save yourself. That would be a course description. I guess she just wanted to see the outcome from the sidelines of the stage. Was it for her own secret wants and needs that she would only filter the information?

I looked at my bleeding hands...

I turned to him...

Was it worth it?

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Cat's Gone to My Neighbor's House.

She was like a cat now that I think of it. Her flawless-ness was atracting, yet it was sharp like a whip when you least expected it from the other side. Her diet composed of mostly of those which had no nerves to save themselves... which was strange because that is the reason why. How could someone live like this? This is the life of her.

Why didn't we see it coming? Her whip caught my cheek as it passed by, opening the flesh for the world to see... but who really saw? I suppose you didn't understand. Lucky maybe. To have survived the wrath of a cat that strives off the helpless? It wasn't much to brag about, even to pre-teen girls who's thoughts are that of a boy coming of age. They say it always happens to early the first time anyway. Everything does when it is something horrible.

Sorry to bore you with this cat of mine. No... not mine. It is my neighbors now.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Natural Ecstacy

Watch Out For Them.

you can see them

but they see you.

you may speed along the trail

and suddenly you are jailed for your ignorance.

what a pity.

i enjoyed the silence

of the mind.

why can't You?


Friday, July 28, 2006

The Answer

the pieces of the feathers flutter

in the fan's destructive wave

of pleasure.

why not enjoy the cool, tasteful breeze

over the heat of pressure?

because in the chilling, iced air

you cannot see the world

as it was meant to be.

you listen deafly?

forget me.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Rebirth of a Dead Horse (or Cow - Which do you prefer?)

I am alive.

Well, yeah...

I wouldn't think of you to think of me as dead, considering whomever is reading this has seen/heard of me in the past month.

But to anyone else who happens to stumble upon this blog:


I have returned for the better or worst of my writting habits.

A lot has happened since I posted last.

Heck, I can't even remember what the post was about!

I remember something about animals... Being pointless.

It was pointless, wasn't it?

Well Dr.H seemed to think so.

But so are many other things.

It was fun creating nothing. Why? Because nothing doesn't affect anyone.

The violence was entertaining, yes. That was repetition I guess. Kept the reader on thier toes or something special like that.

But I realized something the other day:

I am too busy for nothing.

I need nothing to keep me sain!!!

My dual life-style isn't a break from one or the other...

But nothing rests the mind to wander to different places.

Like Spider Solitare. GOD that game annoys me. Most 52 card deck games do, considering each is just a variation of another in some form, slightly or drasticly tweaked to give it the extra edge to wet your whistle.

I know a lot of people who like to play that game to loosen up.

What is the point in the game?

No, not the goal to victory.

The point. The objective that benefits you directly so you recieve a reward or punishment.

Well, if aggrivation and a sense of accomplishment are on the list then I must say...


But really after the psychological benefits and abnormalities you may recieve from playing the game you end up with nothing.

Which is the goal.


So you can escape everything and zone-out/vegetate/don't give a damn for two minutes about the fact you need to work tomorrow to pay the bills.

Well, as I said before 52 deck card games piss me off.

So what do I do to "don't give a damn"?

Many think playing video games is a type of nothing-ness.

They either haven't played a game for more than an hour or are just ignorant.

When you play a video game, ANY video game, you are not doing 'nothing' because you are focusing. Wheither it be racing down a track, placing blocks in lines, or fighting dragons you are just giving yourself something to distract your attention from reality.

An alternate reality created to make your own seem easy.

Somehow people are more 'mature' in a sense and don't need 'T.V. Genre' things to divert thier attention.

They use alternate means.

Mine seems to be affective.

I am already feeling better.

Damn it. I contradicted myself.

Oh well, back to ...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Promised Ones

Why should I weep over what I am going to lose?

Do you cry over lost memories?

How can you...

If you can't remember?

I won't forget those I promised.

Because they were worth the promise


And those are the tears I'll weep.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Don't Read This Post

Writer Block...

Caused from Anime Boston.

And other 'factors'...