Thursday, March 09, 2006

Being a Senior 101: Crash Course on Senior-itus

So today I woke up. Early. So damn early that God hadn't even begun to wake up and start saving lives. There were no birds. Only the monotonous tone of my alarm (which happens to be the sound of thunder, I slept through the rain one), which no one wants to hear at 5 AM. So I force my self outta bed knowing very well if I sleep any later I can't take a shower on time. When I get downstairs my dad is already watching UPN News (why he just doesn't watch NBC I don't know why. I get on my super-crammed bus because I cannot afford gas or a car (or both) unlike over 3/4 of the senior community. Then I attempt to pass out in the middle of the isle, which isn't easy and by the time you do feel yourself drifting you arrive at your daily job. The only difference with this job is it is like working in a democracy without benefits. I should rephrase that: The only difference with this job from a regular job is it is like working in a communist nation. Sure the teachers get paid. Yea we pay to go to school (or our parents do), but for Seniors this is communism. First of all about 1/2 of our population can get a full time job legally and work. Most of us are accepted into a college already. Most of us don't care. Let me rephrase that: ALL of us don't care. I guaranty this. How? Just ask anyone. No, i don't mean "Do you care about getting into college? DO you want to fail? Do you want to have the college 'un-accept' you?" I mean we just don't really care. It comes to a point where we deside to either do the work or not do the work. For example. If there is a paper due for Homework and I deside that the paper isn't interesting I just won't do it. There is no reason for me to do it. I don't want to. Now lets change it to a BIG paper. Lets say five papers due in one night because none of us (and I mean NONE of us including the teacher) remembered it was due the next day. I NEED 2 not 1, 2 days to do that kind of work, but I had one day to do it on time. Screw it. Who cares? One day late never hurt me. The best part is when over half the class desides to do the same thing. I know people want to do well in class. It just doesn't seem relevant to our future really. Like I quote from Dr.H : "You are only here to learn how to learn." Well I've been here learning for 12+ years. I'm done! My last year just doesn't make me sad. I'm excited. I plan on going to college to become (of all the things in the world) an RN (Registered Nurse). Why? Well thats for another post. In any case I want to go out there and learn how to "be a nurse" not how to "write a paper on the signifigance of Hamlet seeing a Ghost in act 2". Anyone want to back me up? Cause there is a ton I missed I can guarenty that. Comment your feelings and I promise to make a "Response Post" featuring your ideas. That sounds nice. Now, what do you feel about Senior-itus?


At 5:46 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Oh senioritis. Even *I* have it!!!! :O Now I am a future English major so I do care about the significance of Hamlet seeing a ghost, but I feel like I still am very very loath to write about it and drag myself through the prospect of doing another essay. Now that no more grades are going to be sent in before college acceptance letters come, I feel like it doesn't matter as much as it did before so I think, eh, I'm too tired to do my homework, I wouldn't do a good job anyway, maybe I'll do it during Statistics class tomorrow, but if I forget, oh well.

Annnd... What the heck is my secret?!

At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The king has spoken, and yet I hear nothing.

At 8:20 PM, Blogger Mr. Kyle said...

Why must Sasha be shot down so much? Oh I know, he is taking to much time handling the gun -.-

At 8:23 PM, Blogger Madeline C. said...

Senioritis and I go hand in hand. Even my parents understand. Which is odd...I still do it, but it's late, just like you. GO ENGLISH CP & AP! This is the year I take one hard course and let the others slide. It'll still look good to colleges. I'm excepted, deposited, and I have conquered.

It's 11:21 PM on a school night though and the only reason I'm doing my english project is because I looooveee doin' movies!


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