Sunday, March 05, 2006

Pointing the Gun at my Head... I mean Hair >_<;;

One day I decided to do a proud Production. A play in simple terms. I have always wanted to participate in something the school is well known for (acting/drama) but I didn't think I had the talent, skill, or whatever. I definitely didn't have the time now that I come to think of it. Anyway, I never "tried out" for any of the plays and have only seen a few. None of my friends were interested either. I told them "Hey! Wouldn't it be cool if we all were in one of the plays this year? It could be our last shot and it would be a awesome thing to do! What do you say?" ... All they did was stare blankly and go back to playing Video Games. So many times have there been instances that I could have done something and decided to take the back seat and watch instead. I am done being in the audience. But I had come to this conclusion too late. The spring production was well underway and I was too slow once again. But fate decided to give me another chance. I was chosen to be a part of a separate performance from the spring musical. I have no idea why anyone would want me to be in this awesome piece, but somehow I got involved. Huh, funny how things work out. The same friends seemed to be eager to help this time around. A few are actually IN the performance. I'm not mad at them for turning around. This is actually a great turn of events considering that I would have been judged by the Advanced Acting Class by myself. Standing alone sucks. At least this way the group of us get mocked together ^^. The real dilemma is the part I have. I am a cop. This sounds like one of the easiest, dumped down, cannot-screw-it-up parts and unpopular me telling my story about ... nah, I wouldn't spoil it for you. But the problem between me and the part is one major factor: My hair. All my life I have had the short, spiked look. It has slowing been growing longer as the years progressed until now. Now I want to see myself without the classic, childhood, boy-cut. My hair has become part of me. This may be getting drastic, but hey, Indians use to love their hair. Why can't I? I am quickly maturing (yeah, I know, I still think ninjas are awesome) but my hair is like... a symbol... if you understand. My brother grew out his hair to be "emo" (spelling?). I want my hair to grow because I simply like having a lot of hair. It feels good to have something blowing in the wind across your eyes if you know what I mean. It makes me feel more respected in a way. Cops DO NOT have long (or even short-long) hair. They have a #1 shave on the sides and #1.5-2 shave on the top. In my terms, that is like being bald with fuzz. Just the thought of having barely any hair gives me the chills (really! It would be cold! and evil!) . So my immediate reaction was "HELL NO! GET OUT OF THIS NOW! SAVE THE HAIR!"... good thing I don't talk much about what I feel. After a while it dawned on me how important this really was to me. I began to also consider how much this would impair my already hyper-shortened work week. With two people unable to work at my job (yes, another person in this is also a co-worker) there would be little time to cram two peoples work schedules together into a 2-3 day weekend. Who would work the week hours? What about school? Exams? College? Money? <(-.-)> so I began to think what I could do to help fix this situation. There was one other way. I do know someone who really wanted to participate in this performance and did not get a part in it. This was a total mistake and it looks very bleak as to rectifying the situation. She (this was a girl) would probably not be acting with us. Because of the manner the play is set up, a whole extra script would have to be written, added in, edited, etc. Not very convenient. After considering this for a while I decided that sacrificing something in exchange of another's happiness was more important. Would the director allow her to replace my role as the Cop? Chances are slim. The way it was read... in my head anyway... it sounded like he wanted a "guy" to play the role. There ARE women cops, don't get me wrong. I just hope this all comes out in the laundry somehow. So the option remains to be seen: Sacrificing my hair, Allowing another to take my place. Both would end happily but one makes the other unhappy in some way or another. (The villain wins or loses paradox,Fairy Tale Endings never exist, etc.: either way, it is never truly "Happily Ever After") SO. Lets rectify this situation and bring balance to my brain once again.


At 1:20 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Kyle! It is the exact same thing with me. I'm doing a monologue in the Hillman Play because I came to Prout for the theatre but realized I wasn't that good of a singer and couldn't dance and wimped out of non-musical plays after one bad audition for a fall play. I don't want to be an Actress anymore, anyway, but this will be as you said. A grand finale to the school year!

It's awful about your hair. The things people do for theatre. Who says cops can't have long hair? It's not like anyone in the audience will really care... at least hardly anyone, the majority won't notice. Maybe you could talk to Hillman about it. I know I wouldn't cut my hair for a part either. -_-

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Mr. Kyle said...

yea, he said it was alright about the hair ^^. My mom was mad though (she wanted it super short >:O the fiend!)


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