Monday, April 24, 2006

The Immortal Idiot and the Rabbits...

Phoenix: "Hello Rabbits!"

(The Rabbits circle their prey.)

Phoenix: "... I think I'm in trouble."

(The circle grows tighter.)

Phoenix: "Oh well. I'll just come back to life anyway. Too bad for you rabbits."

(Wombat enters.)

Wombat: "Phoenix, have you seen Bunny?"

Phoenix: "Nope."

Wombat:" Uh..."

(Wombat spots the Rabbits surrounding the Phoenix.)

Wombat: "Do you need any help?"

Phoenix: "Nah, just a few rabbits won't hurt anyone."

Wombat: "I could help you escape if you would like."

Phoenix: "I'll be ok."

Wombat: "..."

Phoenix: "Don't worry about me!"

Wombat: "... Tell me again why you didn't want me to give you free help?"

Phoenix: "Is this about the whole 'reincarnation' thing again? I told you already! Just because I can't die doesn't mean I can't be Christian!"

Wombat: "Look, this is a life or death situation... You know what, I don't have time for this. Bunny has already gotten to far ahead of me already. I got to go."

Phoenix: "Ok, see you later!"

(Wombat begins to run off, stops, and turns briefly.)

Wombat: "Oh yea, God Bless You or whatever."

Phoenix: "I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or a completely sarcastic remark meant to be harmful."

(The Wombat shrugs, waves, and runs off.)

Phoenix: "Now then, lets see how long it takes you stupid rabbits to find out I can't die..."

(The Rabbits examine the Phoenix for a while. There is no movement or sound for several minutes.

Suddenly, more rabbits appear out of nowhere and join the rest in a single file line facing the Phoenix.

The first rabbit jumps at the Phoenix.

It explodes, sending the Phoenix into a blazing inferno. In the small pile of ash that remains a tiny chick can be seen smirking.

Then the next rabbit almost immediately lunges at the newly formed bird.

It too explodes sending the bird back into its own inferno causing a chick to emerge once again.

The next rabbit...

And the next rabbit...

And the next...

Time goes by...

The line of rabbits seems endless...

Stupid Phoenix...)


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