Sunday, March 19, 2006

Love - Mentally Unstable

Why is it that so many people are getting together nowadays. Is it because they are bored with thier friendship? Is it that they feel the urge to have someone to talk to? Is it that is they need someone to make them feel "cooler" than the single people (or luckier for that matter...)? Why do they chose the people they do? Lets start with the basics.

Is it physical or mental attraction?

Time to kill this one. It is obviously both and I can't deny that. There is something beyond the obvious. I don't want to get into the whole "we like who we like because" or "you will know when you meet that person" Bull ----. Lets try a new spin shall we? Token-ship and Rebounding.

Token-ship is basicly who can get the girl or guy. There is no thought in the actually person. Who cares what she looks like? Who cares about thier background? Who cares if it could kill a friendship? Who cares if it makes them jealous? Isn't that the goal? "Look at my girlfriend! You got one yet?" (insert boyfriend as needed please)

Is friendship worth the sacrifice?

There are times we "rebound" onto people. It is VERY sad. It is even sadder when it is the people we can trust. Lets have an example. You are (for this example you are a guy) and you are caught up in a situation where you like one girl. This girl is your girl (or so you think). Insert mushy "ask out, date, etc". Now you are bored. Cupid shots his arrow of death at you and you want someone close to you (in your head, you can't see any errors in this person). So you dump your Girl Friend and try to date your friend.
What is your friend going to say? No = instant dramatic pause and rewinding of relationship to aquantance, Yes = aqward relationship that is one sided. What is the answer?
Well, yes ofcourse. "Why not?" is the classic response. But this just doesn't hurt the girl (or guy if you please). The "group" is affected. "If so and so are going out... why not them?"
Then the entire group starts to date each other and it becomes Grey's Anatomy all over again.

Why make the others suffer?

Now for the dramatic conclusion:

Stage 1 Complete. Surviviors - slim, group is mostly broken, everyone is sad... i mean experienced.

I tried not to make this post personal. I failed. I am sorry.


At 4:59 PM, Blogger Mr. Kyle said...

The Arch-Fiend has recoiled! strike again! The next chance may be never!

At 3:55 AM, Blogger Seraface said...

There's an Arch-fiend? O_o


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