Thursday, March 16, 2006

1:42:20:03 Until I become a Political Adult

We all grow up at some point. At least I wont for another 44 minutes. Well actually I WILL be by the time you read this. The days preceeding this event were very depressing. Nothing much was said about anything, Senioritis reached a peak, and I was sulking in sorrow. This emo nature is like a wave to me. I get caught up in it suddenly. Thats what emotions are too me. Just waves.

A Tidal Wave just hit me at 6:42 PM.

I had just pulled out my English AP crap so I could start that project that was assigned weeks ago when I got a phone call. "Kyle, this is your favorite boss!" well, my only boss infact. A piece of me died inside at that point. I knew what was coming.

I got dressed and read to cover for Micah who was suddenly vomiting (evil -----, probubly wants more time off). That was the Super Ego. Anyway, it was an emergency. Micah was apparently getting sick and the place was stormed and if I wasn't there in 5 minutes hell was going to come up and enulf all of Sal's Pizza.

Flooring it down Punch Bowl Trail at 50 was easy. The tricky part was the 90 degree turn to Small Pox. After that I almost ran right into the blocked off entrance. My evening was going great. During the day I had recently been told I had a test tomorrow, project due, ... another five papers due, another paper ontop of that due, math quiz, I worried about my URI acceptance constantly (still do), worried about what I was going to do (I was talking to my best friend about this, and then promptly hung up the phone on me saying "got to go now, bye") SO that was my evening. And now I almost ran into the new Dunkin' Donuts.

I almost ran into a telephone pole when I saw how many cars there were. I paniced for a second, then the thrill of how many people probubly wanted to complain about thier food getting to them on time or how wrong the menu was or how wrong I was made me feel better... ok I lied. I almost turned around (being as sick as Micah at this point).

As soon as I parked I headed straight for the door. I didn't want to see the dinning room. I didn't want to see how many winy people wanted something. All I wanted was an apron. The apron in that place is like a mental force-field between my ego and thier onslaught. Just before I could make it around the counter to the kitchen I heard a noise.

It was loud. Naturally I stopped and looked at what it was. The door way was streamed with green and white streamers (muahaha) and there were people rushing out at me.

Then I saw them. I saw them all. And my depression, my sadness, my corruption, it shattered into a thousand pieces and danced around my feet.

The first person I saw was Martilena (Maddie). She had the camera (In my face). Then Micah (who wasn't sick at all), Jill, Kent, Spanky, Will, Chris, Steven, Jackie, Sue (both of them), Mom, Dad, Mark, Amber, Joe, Lusiel, Grandma, the Jennings (my neighbors and thier 5+6 year old children Zack and Clarise), Gail, Mike, Alex, Alexis, Heather (my boss), and who ever else I forgot.

It was the best party... no let me rephrase that: It was the first party I had in six years. Everyone came (Except Dylan and Dave, who will ---- thier ---- in thier --- ---- ---- ---------- --- hole and then ---- thier ---- until it bleeds. Then maybe hippos will come and own the rest of them. JK >:D)

Well everyone came and everyone had a great time. I don't think I even touched the food I was so excited. I hope the video of my entrance is burned, because the fact is that I was probubly so red I was purple.

We sang, danced, laughed, joked, and did some techno ("The system is down, the system is down"). It was great. My boss gave me my first gift of the evening. A 20$ gift certificate to Hooters and a free T-Shirt. I think I accidently said I wanted that... (or did I... ^^;;) Anyway, that was the gyst of things. You really had to "Be There" so details don't matter much in a world where facts are doubted and fiction is published.

The night was a pure sucess (party wise, I will probubly fail Psychology and Math... and English, but I really don't care at the moment). Even Lee Ann, who I thought would be pretty pissed if she had to stay later, had planned to stay later. I dedicated a song to her ("Run it" I think is the name of it) and she came in and danced.

That was my evening. The Twilight of Adulthood, The Dawn of Responsibility, The End of My Childhood (some may say, but as Maddie told me to, I will not give in that easily)

Some may think that this evening was "retarded" "the worst 18th ever" "where was the booze" "where were the women", I would like to ask them a question:

On your 18th birthday party, will/did you hang out with all of your friends without a care in the world getting laughs from bad techno and horrid dancing? Did you go and laugh? Not fake laugh. Laugh. Did you feel accepted? Forced into it? DId you get any cards from your "best buds" that were hand made? Did you act like yourself? (please, if you were drunk, answer no)

If you answered no to any of these questions, then I give you this:

^.- Nice Going Jack ---.
(note: You know what I mean)


At 4:51 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Happy birthday Kyle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wanted to go to your party a lot but I couldn't because I had karate. :\ But HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!


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