Thursday, May 18, 2006

When Friendship Fails... I Break the Fall Again

Ok, this is very sad and horrible for me to do...

But I can't understand why someone would do this.

I learned that someone has been lying to me.

Not like they meant to.

They really were just trying to protect me.

Heh, sorry...

I was TRYING to be optimistic.

Well I learned someone has basicly decided to destroy thier life.

Not by suicide.

GOd no.

There is no way that they could commit suicide.

If thier life depended on them commiting suicide, this person would not survive. (If that makes any sense)

But... why didn't they tell me?

They told me only a piece of the puzzle a while ago.

I should have been more attentive.

Damn school, work, and sleep. (Actually, I like sleep. But school and work make sleep a chore as well.)

So what am I to do?

Confront them?

They would just laugh or enjoy the attention.

That's why they are doing it right?

FOr attention.

Oh, and by the way, they don't feel emotions like the others.

Probubly something to do with ...

No I won't go there.

This post is pointless.

No one will know who I'm talking about. No one cares about this person life. Many of you probubly didn't finish this post...

But just consider this, thy antagonist.

I am coming.

And if I have my way, you aren't going to be fucking around any more like a six-year-old wannabe.

This is the war of life.

This is the line of beliefs.

What do you want to do?

On one side you are an individual. People care about you. Don't you dare tell me they don't. I might have to bring everyone else. They can show you how much this matters.

On the other you are just a follower of a follower. No one REALLY cares about you. YOu are a pawn. A Pawn doomed to die. And when you die, the Queen isn't going to ressurect you first even if you were the first casualty.

So heed this warning.

You told me what you are doing.

I found out the rest you lied about.



At 5:54 PM, Blogger Laura said...

EEP! If I were the one being accused then I would be afraid, very afraid. But as I am not then I can only say that I think the warning should be quite effective. :O

At 7:15 PM, Blogger Mr. Kyle said...

Don't worry. ^.-

Me and D.J. gots this one <.<


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