Thursday, March 24, 2005

Phase 3 - Corruption

I watched in horror as my own data was being deleted. All my commands were washed away as if it were nothing more than it really was: a bunch of numbers. Only one word crossed my mind as I witnessed this event and it was How? There must be something I could do. Every program has a weakness. There wasn't much time to react. I was on a wireless network, so no cord to unplug. My batteries were "built in" so I couldn't remove them. My keyboard was obviously useless... Or was it? With no time to waste I grabbed the nearest thing that resembled a cro-bar. All there was in the room was papers, pencils, soda cans... I grabbed one and literally ripped off the small piece of metal at the lid. Then I hurriedly unscrewed the pins holding the keyboard in place praying that the answer would lie inside.
I glanced at the screen to see the reaction my firewall was having to this intruder. This was no ordinary firewall however. This firewall was "tweaked" to my needs. It was like the opponent hitting a brick wall at 90 mph. Well, this wasn't an ordinary hacker. Data fought data as I slowly watched my own protection fading. Numerous pornography ads had already gotten through the weakening program and any minute now all of my personal data would be his.
Almost without thinking I yanked the keyboard from the base and peered into the dark whirring vortex beneath. I could feel warm air rush from this new exhaust port into my face as if a new gateway to hell had opened within. This is what I was afraid of. My computer was not only being destroyed piece by piece, byte by byte, but the computer itself was melting itself because the fans had been shut down. I couldn't change the settings (More than enough problems caused my mouse to freeze long ago), I couldn't activate any help warnings to my OS provider, I couldn't do jack. There was only one resolution left no one ever wants to resort too.
I pressed the power button on my laptop and waited for it to turn off. This was it. I was defeated, but I wasn't going to lose my personal data. I waited. And waited. And waited. Nothing happened. The numbers continued to scroll
across my monitor. Then one enormous pop up filled the screen. It said one disgusting phrase that made my mouth sour and my stomach churn:


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